Walk with us to Cure Lupus

Northern Michigan Walk Information

Northern Michigan Walk Page


Saturday, June 14, 2025


Mineral Springs Park – Downtown Frankfort
630 Main Street
Frankfort, Michigan 49635


Check-In and Fun Festivities: 9:00 AM
Walk Begins: 10:00 AM

Health Safety Protocols

The health and safety of our lupus community is the Lupus Research Alliance’s (LRA) highest priority. The LRA will follow all state and local mandates regarding COVID-19 health recommendations at our events.

Safety Precautions

If you’re not feeling well, or have been recently exposed to COVID-19, we ask that you please stay home to protect participants, volunteers, and staff from potential infection.

We strongly recommend wearing masks at our events to help protect members of our lupus community who are immunocompromised and therefore at a greater risk for COVID-19 infection. We will make masks available on Walk day for all participants and volunteers. All participants should aim to follow social distance protocols where possible. Hand sanitizer will be available throughout our event.


A post-walk, sit-down lunch with bottled water will be provided.

Donation Drop-off

To reduce close contact interactions, please donate online to your individual Walk pages or mail checks to the Lupus Research Alliance office (270 Madison Avenue, Suite 300, New York, NY 10016. Please include Northern Michigan walk and your team name in the memo line).

Get the Most out of Walk Day!

As you arrive, please drop off any donations at the Registration area, pick up your Walk day incentives (if eligible) and meet others who are part of the Michigan lupus community! We’ll have purple beads and ribbon tattoos to get you in the spirit of the day.

Fundraising Perk

Talk the Walk, Wear the Walk! Any registered participant that raises $125 or more by Walk day is eligible for a Walk T-shirt. Walk T-shirts are only available on Walk Day.

Tips on Fundraising

Be sure to check out our Fundraising Guide for tips and suggestions on how to fundraise in your community and through social media.

Photo, Video, Film, Other

By participating in the Walk with Us to Cure Lupus you agree to the use of photos, video, and related film of this event by the Lupus Research Alliance for legitimate purposes. This includes but is not limited to photos and videos sent to the LRA and tagged on LRA’s social media.

For more FAQs, check out Walk with Us to Cure Lupus Frequently Asked Questions.

Walk with us to Cure Lupus April 12, 2024